An Outward Bound course gives a student many things: skills, experiences, inspiration, clarity, direction, tools, support systems, and more. Perhaps resilience and grit; perhaps healing and release; perhaps so many mutually reinforcing things that it’s hard to say exactly what Outward Bound “does” to create each unique experience for every individual student. So much so that the question “How was your course?” might instead be answered with awe, smiles, hugs, tears, and a lifetime of ripple effects from those formative days spent outdoors.
The core of my fundraising role at OBCA is to try to put it back into words. Celebrating these “impacts” and “outcomes” through inspirational storytelling and genuine relationship-building is essential when we aim to continue providing over 50% of students with sliding-scale or completely free tuition. In the same way we nurture a student’s sense of belonging on their course, we strive for our supporters to feel a similar sensation: being a part of something bigger.
The holiday season is often the busiest time for a fundraiser. Everyone feels it—from the BLACK FRIDAY emails to the DELAYED status on the airport screens. And for us, the finale of the fiscal year looms. This year especially has been a hard one for nonprofits and small businesses alike. Over the last couple of months, we’ve hosted events, started a match campaign, mailed appeals, and sent reminders to ask community members to consider us when it comes to their year-end giving. Like a toy company hoping to sell the perfect stocking stuffer, nonprofits aim to “sell” something beloved—perhaps even essential—in our community. The messages we teach students on an OB course are just as relevant for our donors: We are crew, not passengers. You are needed.
But we can’t donate to every nonprofit that asks, no matter how much we believe in every single one of them. As it so often does, the season of giving quickly becomes something else—an awareness of what we’re lacking. To regain the spirit of the season, I want to remain committed to the stories and relationships rather than the emails and budget reports. I want to stop asking “Can you give to Outward Bound?” and start recognizing that there’s so much we already do to benefit the organization.
When you listen to, show patience with, or support others, you are contributing to Outward Bound California’s vision: more compassionate people for a more compassionate world.
When you create space to reflect and recharge, you are prioritizing lifelong learning as well as your mental health. And we believe that self-care is group care!
When you embrace physical and emotional challenges, you are growing. You are discovering that there is more in you than you know, and that has an exponential ripple effect within your communities.
When you are playful, honest, creative, passionate, adventurous, curious, or courageous, you are setting an example. You are being a leader. You are being YOU. And that makes Outward Bound more community-led and relevant.
You already have so many gifts—gifts that won’t be given away but can be shared. And Outward Bound is thankful that you share them with us.
But just in case you’re asking what our Christmas miracle would be, alongside those visions of sugarplums dancing in our heads… we wish for a free Outward Bound for every student. (Instead of stocking stuffers, will you donate $25 to stuff our gear shed full of warm, woolly stockings?)
If you would like to support access to the outdoors for all of our students, you can give at: Every donation, no matter the size, helps make Outward Bound courses accessible to students in need.