Behavior Agreements and Cause for Dismissal
Open Enrollment Programming
An Outward Bound course is an opportunity to learn and grow through taking on physical and emotional challenges with a supportive group of peers and the guidance of skilled instructors. Each participant must arrive ready to positively participate in their own and the whole group’s safety and learning.

For all participants to have a positive learning experience, Outward Bound requires everyone to always follow the non-negotiable Behavior Agreements. All students are expected to:

  • Follow Outward Bound safety procedures and directions given by the instructors.
  • Be able to learn new and unfamiliar ways of doing things, be flexible in meeting personal needs and able to use healthy coping strategies when under stress.
  • Adapt their self-care skills to the new environment to take care of their own physical needs, such as drinking enough water, eating enough food, using sunscreen, insect repellent, clothing and equipment, and applying hygiene practices and other techniques as explained by the instructors.
  • Alert the instructors if they see something wrong or unsafe, or if they are experiencing any physical or mental health problems.
  • Contribute to an inclusive and safe learning environment and refrain from any behavior that harasses, bullies, intimidates or harms others, and manage conflict without physical or verbal aggression.
  • Manage frustration and impatience without destructive outbursts and without being derogatory or harmful to others.
  • Not bring, possess, or use nicotine, alcohol, other substances, or any prescription or non-prescription drugs not approved by Outward Bound for their use on course.
  • Not engage in sexual activity or romantic relationships.



To realize the learning potential of the Outward Bound experience, students are also expected to strive to do the following:

  • Bring a positive mindset to new experiences and to sharing and learning from different perspectives.
  • Engage each day as a full participant and try to achieve individual goals and support the whole crew.
  • Be open to making connections with all group members and refrain from exclusive behavior.
  • Behave respectfully toward all of the various identities of others and not discriminate based on any aspect of their identity such as: race, ethnicity, citizenship, nationality, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, ability, and social or political affiliations.
  • Support the crew’s goals by sometimes delaying personal needs or taking on new responsibilities.
  • Learn to listen to and voice opposing perspectives respectfully and manage conflict constructively.
  • Treat the environment and the gear with care and respect.

Outward Bound courses are intentionally challenging, physically and mentally, to promote significant learning. Remote environments and wilderness travel require living intentionally and working thoughtfully with a diverse group of people. While fun and rewarding at times, this is not a recreational camp experience or a vacation. Each student has a responsibility for the success and safety of their own and the group’s experience.

Outward Bound strives to support all students to successfully complete our courses. Students are encouraged to review these expectations and request clarity or guidance from the instructors. Our instructors will assist students to push past doubt and discomfort, form new habits and abilities, and fully engage.

However, if a student refuses to participate, follow instructions, or abide by the Outward Bound Behavior Agreements, this indicates that our program is not a productive challenge at this time, and the student will be dismissed at the discretion of the Outward Bound staff. Guardians of minors will be required to arrange for their child’s travel home. There will be no refund of any kind.

Behaviors that result in dismissal include the examples described below, among similar actions and attitudes; Outward Bound reserves the right to dismiss students for other behaviors.

  • Being unwilling, unmotivated, unable or insufficiently physically or mentally fit to participate in course activities.
  • Being unable or unwilling to maintain basic self-care; not adapting to the physical and social demands of the expedition; responding to stress in self-injurious ways.
  • Being unwilling or unable to follow instructions.
  • Engaging in behavior that is harassing, or otherwise compromises the emotional or physical safety of others, including:
  1. Psychological or physical bullying, intimidation or aggression/violence including physical or verbal outbursts.
  2. Verbal harassment or identity-based discrimination of others, including race, gender, gender-identity, sexual orientation, religion, ability, and nationality.
  3. Repeated verbal or non-verbal actions that insult, belittle, or demean other people or their identities.
  4. Sexual harassment, including unwelcome comments or jokes, touch or gestures.
  • Using or possessing nicotine, alcohol, other substances, or prescription or nonprescription drugs that are not approved for their use on course by Outward Bound.
  • Engaging in sexual activity
  • Stealing, or damage to equipment or the environment, whether careless or purposeful.

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