Jim Wyatt lives in Pasadena, but this is the second year in a row that he will travel to San Francisco to rappel for Outward Bound California in the City Skyline Challenge. In Jim’s words, rappelling off the Hyatt is... READ MORE
As the second-annual City Skyline Challenge quickly approaches, Outward Bound California has been keeping in touch with their rappellers, offering motivation and helping them reach their fundraising goals along the way. Maren Anderson, a high school teacher and returning participant, took... READ MORE
As the Service Bus caravan entered Los Angeles, we were struck with the realization that it was early afternoon and that meant one thing: bumper-to-bumper traffic that we collectively forgot comes with this maze of a city. We were due to volunteer at... READ MORE
“Come with me to get food,” Antonia shouts at me in Spanish from her pickup truck. “I’m still painting,” I shout back, but she insists. We’ve been chatting while we work and I like her, so I put my paint... READ MORE
This fall, instructor Catherine Cruz worked a busy schedule for Outward Bound California–she worked all seventeen one-day programs out of the Bay Area Center. Out of those 17 days, the Larkin Street Youth Services’ Hospitality cohort days held a special place in... READ MORE
Dear Diary, I always hoped this day would come! The day I could truly help someone in need! Normally I am stuck sitting in a stuffed backpack, up against a pile of stinky socks, all day and night, saving my... READ MORE
Outward Bound California is launching its first-ever Service Bus this week. Modeled off of the original Service Bus, the altruistic brainchild of instructors at North Carolina Outward Bound School in 2007, eight Outward Bound California instructors will embark on a six... READ MORE
Talayah Hudson, a busy high school senior living in San Francisco applied and was accepted to be a part of Outward Bound California’s 2014/2015 Youth Leadership Corps (YLC) cohort. As a participant, she is committed to a monthly service project... READ MORE
This summer’s five-day Witherbee Boys High Sierra Expedition came with a handful of firsts. It was the first five-day group course to be run in the High Sierra and my first time working with a group of only teenage boys.... READ MORE
Picture this: I had just finished instructing a 14-day course with twelve teenagers, having hiked 64 miles from Point Reyes National Sea Shore across the iconic Golden Gate Bridge and now was travelling to my brother’s wedding. It was hilarious... READ MORE
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