Land Acknowledgment



At Outward Bound California, we work with thousands of students in the Sierra Nevada Range, Joshua Tree National Park and John McLaren Park in San Francisco.

When we share, protect, and learn from a space, it’s important to understand and acknowledge the places’s past, present, and future, and to understand our place within that history.

The High Sierra Course Areas lay on the unceded ancestral homeland of the Northern Paiute, Western Mono/Monache, Central Sierra Miwok, Southern Sierra Miwok, Eastern Mono/Monache, and Tübatulabal peoples. This is not an exhaustive list of tribes present in the High Sierra, but represents specific regions throughout which Outward Bound California travels. Our Midpines base property is on Southern Sierra Miwok land, click here to learn more about how to support their fight for Federal Acknowledgment.

Joshua Tree National Park is on the unceded ancestral homeland of the Yuhaviatam/Maarenga’yam (Serrano), Ɂívil̃uwenetem Meytémak (Cahuilla), Newe Segobia (Western Shoshone), Chemehuevi, Nuwuvi (Southern Paiute) and Xawiƚƚ kwñchawaay (Cocopah) nations. The Twenty-Nine Palms Band of Mission Indians is a federally recognized Native American tribe located in Southern California. The Tribe has a strong relationship with the California Desert, particularly in the Twentynine Palms area including the Joshua Tree National Park, where OBCA’s basecamp is located. Learn more about how the Twenty-Nine Palms Band of Mission Indians have impacted the surrounding communities with growth and support.

The Ropes Challenge Course in San Francisco lies on the unceded ancestral homeland of the Ramaytush Ohlone peoples. These indigenous people groups and nations have cared for this land since before California was a part of Spain, Mexico, or the United States. We pay our respects to these native peoples for their commitment to Mother Earth and its peoples, and for their work restoring their land and revitalizing their culture. At www.ramaytush.org, you can learn more about Ramaytush Ohlone and support their efforts with donations.



Native Governance Center

Native Land Indigenous Nations Map

Article, Honor Native Land, A Guide and Call to Acknowledgement

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