BELONGING is a sense of connection and inclusion in relationships.
This process involves empathy and a commitment to creating a healthy group. Belonging often involves sharing and trust-building and provides an experience of safety and community.
Key terms associated with belonging: Friendship, love, care, affinity, affection, attachment, kindness
COURAGE is catalyzing strengths in order to take on challenges and risks.
This process involves overcoming physical and/or emotional obstacles, including fear. Courage often requires perseverance or voicing and acting on ideas and opinions, even when unpopular.
Key terms associated with courage: Autonomy, decisiveness, will, determination, perseverance, empowerment, assertiveness
PHYSICAL ENGAGEMENT is experiencing and expressing oneself through the body and its senses.
This process involves physical movement and emotional reaction, including enthusiasm and spontaneity. Physical Engagement often involves an awareness of the needs of one’s body and an understanding of one’s physical abilities and limits.
Key terms associated with physical engagement: Physical activity, energy, body, action, physiological
REFLECTION is examining and questioning one’s actions, roles, relationships and assumptions.
This process involves thinking and meaning-making. Reflection often involves taking a perspective on oneself and others and can be done alone and in dialogue.
Key terms associated with reflection: Understanding, analysis, critical thinking, social responsibility, thoughtfulness, introspection, wisdom, cognitive